Joysway premier supplier for DF Racing yachts and spares.
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Totally DF Racing... We are part of the team that conceived and developed both the DragonForce 65 & DragonFlite 95 yachts. Complete knowledge base and UK/Europe's largest stock of yachts, spares & accessories.
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Small Boats... Big Thrills!
To sail to race... Both the Dragonforce 65 and Dragonflite 95 yachts have been developed for racing, so not only do they look good, they also have excellent sailing performance. The radio system controls the rudder and sails and with the carbon mast and booms there is less rigging. With 11 tuning adjustments allowing you to alter the sail shape to obtain a balanced performance both up and down wind.
Join over 40,000 skippers worldwide sailing and racing DF65 and DF95 yachts.
May the Force (& Flite) be with you...